Monday, February 29, 2016

Cover Reveal + Giveaway: Blood Lust by Jill Cooper


Blood Lust The Blood Sisters #1 
Publication Date: March 29, 2016 
Genres: Contemporary, Urban Fantasy

Purchase: Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo

If you love the Winchester Brothers, then you’re going to love The Blood Sisters. Hunting demons and saving people is what they do, but that earns them dangerous enemies. Demons are after the Blood sisters to collect a massive bounty and that’s when things get personal. Jessica’s sister, Amanda – the passive healer – is kidnapped. Now Jessica will go to the ends of the Earth to find her sister before the demons use pure blood to open the gates of hell. Manic at the idea of her sister being destroyed, Jessica has no choice but to team up with bad boy demon hunter Duncan Jasper and his rag tag gang of bikers to stay alive. For Jessica the only thing tougher than fighting demons is fighting her attraction to Duncan. But with demons charging from the front, the underworld gunning from behind, and with a spy in their mist, Jessica’s fight for survival is just beginning.

About the Author

Jill Cooper

I could write this in the third person. I could tell you what I like, where I was born, and what my favorite things are.
But instead, I’ll say I don’t want to write like everyone else. I don’t want to craft stories you’ve read a thousand times before. I want my novels to be a cinematic experience, blending themes, genres, and situations unlike any you’ve ever read. I want to break the rules. I want you to break out in a cold sweat as you read my books out of fear, love, and excitement. I want my books to be an experience. When you finish, I want you to feel something. Good or bad. If you do, then I’ll have succeeded. If not, I’ll keep trying.


Blog Tour: Dared by Kristina Borden

Title: Dared (The Boneyard Bad Boy Series )
Author: Kristina Borden 
Model: Robert Simmons 
Photographer : Cassandra Roop (PINK INK DESIGNS  ) 


I am Damien Cole. Manager of Dallas' Top Tattoo Shop "The Boneyard." 

I play the game by my own set of rules. I discard women left and right.

Their only purpose is to cater to my sexual appetite. No woman will ever

tame my bad boy ways. I am at the top of my game. 


I am Summer Montgomery. My face has graced magazine covers all across the world. My looks will deceive you. I am a bad girl with a smart ass mouth and the attitude to back it up. Playing with me is like playing with fire. I will consume 

you and swallow you whole. 

When faced with temptation, which of these two badasses will fall first?


(remove if not reviewing ) 

Kristina Borden is an emerging indie author from Corsicana, Texas. 
She grew up just across the river from New Orleans, LA in a town called Pearl River.
She later relocated to North Louisiana when she moved in with her mother as a teenager. She has one sister, Tracey, who is her best friend. 
She is currently married to her husband Robert, and has a step-son and
her fur baby, a shih-tzu, named Chew Chew.

She has been writing poetry from a young age. Two years ago her life was altered when 
she found out her sister was in Stage 5 kidney failure. She then decided to finally 
do something with her writing. Her first book, The Imperfect Gift, is loosely based on
her sister and while it is fiction, a lot of the events in the book are not. 

Her love and passion for reading has propelled her forward in her journey to reach 
people with her writing. 

Kristina has other current works in progress. As a multi-genre author, she writes what 
inspires her and does not limit herself to one genre.

Author Page Instagram: @authorkborden

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Book Release + Giveaway: Slip of the Tongue by Jessica Hawkins

Title: Slip of the Tongue
Author: Jessica Hawkins
Genre: Contemporary Romance
 Release Date: February 25, 2016


Sadie Hunt isn’t perfect—but her husband is. Nathan Hunt has her coffee waiting every morning. He holds her hand until the last second. He worships the Manhattan sidewalk she walks on. Until one day, he just…stops. And Sadie finds herself in the last place she ever expected to be. Lonely in her marriage.

When rugged and sexy Finn Cohen moves into the apartment across the hall, he and Sadie share an immediate spark. Finn reveals dreams for a different life. Sadie wants to save her marriage. Their secrets should keep them apart, not ignite a blistering affair. But while Sadie’s marriage runs colder by the day, she and Finn burn hotter.

Her husband doesn’t want her anymore. The man next door would give up everything to have her.

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After spending two hours outdoors getting my headshots taken by Finn, I slide into the backseat of the Uber with Finn, grateful to be back inside. He puts an arm around my shoulders and draws me to him. “Cold?”

I should pull away. Once I have it, though, his warmth is impossible to reject and feels as necessary as breathing. “A little.”

He squeezes me closer. Moves his hand up and down my bicep. “You’re shivering.”

The driver looks at us in the rearview mirror. “You guys are a cute couple.”

“Thanks,” I say.

Finn arches an eyebrow, pleased—because she thinks we’re together, or because I didn’t correct her? I don’t even want to correct her. I’ve missed the look she’s giving us, the one a woman makes when she’s more envious than jealous. I get it all the time with Nathan. That feeling, coupled with the heater blasting from the front seat, leaves me slightly woozy.

We’re just like actors in a movie, I tell myself. This isn’t real. It doesn’t count. After a few minutes, the urgency to get warm lessens, and the door opens to another less pressing, but still basic need. Because that’s how my arousal feels—essential. The more it’s ignored, the fiercer it grows. I snuggle into his side. All it takes is his hand on my upper thigh to invite an assault of graphic fantasies. Finn shoving me down on the backseat because he can’t control himself anymore. Thrusting his fingers under the hem of my dress to find me ready for him. The lower half of my body aches with sudden demands.

“Some of those photos we just took were for me,” he whispers in my ear. He couldn’t have chosen a worse moment to tease me. My legs are jelly-like. “Does that make you mad?”

I check to see if the driver is paying attention. She must know I’m married. How can something so vital and concrete in my life be hidden? “What if I say yes?” I ask.

“I’ll delete them. If you’re sure it doesn’t . . . turn you on.”

I try not to pant. “Why would it?”

“Imagining me looking at them later.”

I turn my head. Our mouths are a breath apart. One more inch, and they’ll touch. Again. Those lips are the color of sunburnt rock but whisper soft. We’ve done it once. Would one more kiss hurt? I can’t stop the image of him looking at me, my exposed, white throat on his computer, his cock in a firm fist. It should disgust me. It makes my panties damp instead.

“No response necessary,” he says as the car pulls up to the curb. “I can read it on your face.”

Author Bio

Jessica Hawkins grew up between the purple mountains and under the endless sun of Palm Springs, California. She studied international business at Arizona State University and has also lived in Costa Rica and New York City. To her, the most intriguing fiction is forbidden, and that's what you'll find in her stories. Currently, she resides wherever her head lands, which is often the unexpected (but warm) keyboard of her trusty MacBook.

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Book Release + Giveaway: Finding North by Carmen Jenner

Title: Finding North
Author: Carmen Jenner
Genre: Erotic Romance M/M
Release Date: February 25, 2016


Red Maine’s blue-collared bad boy, North Underwood, has a dirty little secret—Will Tanner.

Friends since kindergarten, North had been the one to jump first, and his fall into Will’s bed ten years ago had been no exception. Will and North had been inseparable, but things change, people grow apart, and even a blazing flame can dwindle to a dying ember over time.

The more things change the more they stay the same.

After a run in with a bottle of Bundy rum, Will and North find themselves in a compromising and all too familiar position.

Blurred lines, bad decisions, and one wrong foot after another lead these two down a spiral of sarcasm, secrets, and sex, but when North’s hetero status is called into question he can’t figure up from down. And despite Will telling himself he wouldn’t fall again, he’s head over heels and wandering without a compass.

Love is love.

Love is truth.

Love … shouldn’t be this damn hard to figure out.

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I push my glass towards him for another refill, downing the shot of liquid courage. “You ever think about what might have been?”

Will scoffs and sets his glass down. “You’re seriously asking me this?”

“What?” I say, getting pissy now, because he acts as though he’s the only one who lost something. “I can’t ask a question?”

He takes another sip, avoiding my gaze. The humour has left his face; his mouth forms a tight line as he stares down into his drink. “You can’t ask that question.”

“Okay then,” I say, agitated that he’s calling the shots. I ask a question I’ve been wanting the answer to for a very long time. “Why didn’t you leave?”

“Jesus, not you too.” Will shakes his head. “You sound like Josh.”

“Who the hell is Josh?”

He slams back the rest of his drink and beats his fist against his chest. “Fuck buddy.”

“You have a fuck buddy?” I clench my jaw. I’m starting to see why Bundy has a bad name. Right now, I’d like to find Josh and beat his fucking head in.

Will laughs. “Look at you getting all jealous.”

Is he fucking kidding me?

“How long?” I say through my teeth.

“How long have I been fucking him? Or how long is his cock? It’s about five for both.”

“Five what?” I snap. “Days? Weeks?”

“Months.” He rests his elbow on the bar, dangling his glass from his long fingers. “And inches.”

“You been fucking this Josh for five months, and you didn’t think to mention it?”

“I’ve fucked a lot of men in the last twelve years, North. Why would I mention any of them to you?”

“I kissed you.”

“Yeah, and I didn’t ask for it,” he says, swirling the liquor in his glass. “How many women have you slept with in the past twelve years?”
I don’t have an answer for him. I don’t even remember half of their names, only that I was fumbling around in a drunken stupor, trying to grab onto just a little bit of happiness. On the outside I have all my shit together, but inwardly I’m hollow. I’m the worthless piece of shit my father always told me I was, and I’d bury my dick in anyone in an attempt to find something that made me feel even half of what Will had that summer.

Author Bio

Carmen Jenner is a thirty-something, USA TODAY and international bestselling author of the Sugartown, Savage Saints, and Taint series.

Her dark romance, KICK (Savage Saints MC #1), won Best Dark Romance Read in the Reader’s Choice Awards at RWDU 2015.

A tattoo enthusiast, hardcore MAC addict and zombie fangirl, Carmen lives on the sunny north coast of New South Wales, Australia, where she spends her time indoors wrangling her two wildling children, a dog named Pikelet, and her very own man-child.

A romantic at heart, Carmen strives to give her characters the HEA they deserve, but not before ruining their lives completely first … because what’s a happily ever after without a little torture? 

Published titles to date:

Welcome to Sugartown (Sugartown Series #1)

Enjoy Your Stay (Sugartown Series #2)

Greetings from Sugartown (Sugartown Series #3)

Now Leaving Sugartown (Sugartown Series #4)

REVELRY (Taint #1) 

KICK (Savage Saints MC #1)

TANK (Savage Saints MC #2)

 Author Links


Cover Reveal + Giveaway: The After of Us by S.R. Grey

Title: The After of Us
Series: Judge Me Not #4 (Spinoff Novel & Standalone)
Author: S.R. Grey
Genre: New Adult/Coming of Age Romance
Cover Design: Najla Qamber Designs
Photographer: CJC Photography
Model: Garrett Finn
Release Date: April 7, 2016


Can the ending of one dream lead to the beginning of a new one?

Will Gartner made a lot of mistakes in the past, but he finally has his life together. Leaving his reckless teenage years behind, he’s recently graduated from college and is all set to move from Las Vegas to New York to start a prestigious new job. But when an unexpected guest shows up at his farewell party, all Will’s dreams are smashed to pieces. Suddenly, he’s taking a crash course in how to be a father to the five-year-old daughter he never knew existed.

Will changes direction and heads to Harmony Creek, Ohio, and the only person who’s ever really been there for him, his brother Chase. Chase saved Will in the past, but will he rescue him yet again? Some lessons—like fatherhood—can only be learned by doing. Is Will up to the challenge?

And where does Emma Metzger fit into Will’s suddenly upside-down world? Emma knows all about his troubled past and sees his hesitation to commit to his new daughter. How can she commit her heart to a man who doesn’t know what the word means?

Chase always told Will “Follow your heart. Always try to be a good man.” But will following his heart be enough for his daughter, and for Emma?

The After of Us is a story about letting go of old dreams, and, in the process, discovering what you really needed to make you happy was right there in front of you all along.

The After of Us is a spin-off of the Judge Me Not series and a standalone novel.

New Adult Romance/Coming of Age Romance

Author Bio

S.R. Grey is an Amazon Top 100 and Barnes & Noble #1 Bestselling author. She is the author of the popular Judge Me Not series, the new Promises series, the Inevitability duology, A Harbour Falls Mystery trilogy, and the Laid Bare series of novellas. Ms. Grey’s works have appeared on several Amazon Bestseller lists, including Top 100 multiple times, as well as Barnes & Noble #1 in Bestselling Nook books.

Author Links

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Pre-Order Blitz + Giveaway: Black Listed by Shelly Bell

Black Listed
Preorder Blitz
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Book Title: Black Listed (Benediction) 
Author: Shelly Bell 
Genre: Erotic Suspense 
Release Date: March 22, 2016 
Hosted by: Book Enthusiast Promotions

Goodreads Button with Shadow

book blurb

She sacrificed everything to keep him safe…
Five years ago, con artist Lisa Smith broke the first rule of hustling when she fell in love with—and married—her mark, billionaire Sawyer Hayes. The erotic nights spent acting out her darkest fantasies with her husband and Master were the happiest of her life. But when her ruthless father demanded she kill him and take his money, she had no choice but to disappear without a trace…or lose him forever.

He’ll risk everything to have her again…
Now Sawyer has found her, and he has an indecent proposal: submit to him for seven nights and he’ll grant her the divorce she desires. Forced to pretend she no longer loves him, each night spent in his arms is exquisite torture as they reignite their intense passion through role play and ménage. But when a deranged killer out for revenge targets Lisa, she must finally trust Sawyer with the secrets of her past…or neither of them will live to see the future.


As long as Lisa had the ability to inherit Sawyer’s estate, he was in danger. Now that he was back in her life, there was one more thing she could do to ensure his safety.

She squared her shoulders. “If I did you a favor by leaving, then you won’t mind giving me a divorce.”

He flinched, the first crack in his armor that she’d witnessed tonight. “That’s what you want?”

Her breath stalled in her chest. “Y-yes.”

A divorce was the last thing she wanted, but it was what they needed. She should have done it years ago, but she couldn’t be the one to file since she would be required by law to give her address.

A slow grin appeared on his face. “What will you give me for the divorce?”

She’d gotten butterflies every time he’d smiled at her in the past, but this time, a lead weight filled her belly. “Give you?”

He toyed with the ends of her short brown hair, his fingers restless. “You took that money from me. Even though legally you had every right to it, you played me to get it. You owe me. And I’m here to collect.”

“I told you, I don’t have the money. You saw it yourself. I own nothing. There’s no way I can repay you.” She took a deep breath, trying not to let his nearness affect her.

His hands framed her face. “I don’t want money. There are other more pleasurable ways to collect on the debt you owe me.”

“What are you suggesting?” she asked, afraid of his answer.

“Seven nights. Same soft and hard limits from five years ago.”

Her heart sped up, making her breathless. Out of all the things she expected him to say, that wasn’t one of them. “So if I make love to you for seven nights, you’ll grant me a divorce and forgive the debt I owe you?”

He laughed. “What we’ll do could never be classified as ‘making love.’ We’ll fuck. I set the scenes. And you can do what you do best.” His expression turned cold once more, while his eyes seared into her. “Pretend.”

It shouldn’t hurt as much as it did. Like Sawyer had reached inside her chest cavity and squeezed her heart in his hand.

She could barely get the words off her tongue. “Role play.”

“If you hate me so much, why do you want to fuck me again?” she asked. “I would think a divorce is exactly what you’d want. At Benediction, you have an entire sex club of women at your disposal.”

The idea of him with another woman twisted her insides, but it would be much harder to take him inside her body again and not show him how much she loved him.

She wasn’t that good of an actress.

“I already have an entire sex club of women at my disposal. Didn’t Rachel and Logan tell you about their time at Paradise Found?”

Rachel had mentioned she and Logan had hid at Paradise Found, Logan’s friend’s club in Las Vegas, and Rachel had described to her at length the sinful things she’d seen there. “You own a sex club?”

“Why does that surprise you? You know better than anyone how much I enjoy a good fuck. Once you left, I considered myself a free agent.” His lips tightened into a straight line, his eyes flat. “You didn’t actually think I’d wait for you, did you?”

“No,” she whispered. “Why would you? You were right. Our marriage vows meant nothing. You had every right to sleep with as many women as you wanted.” She looked him straight in the eyes. “And I had the right to sleep with anyone I wanted as well.”

He didn’t give her a warning before slamming her up against the bookshelf. If there had been any change in his eyes, anything other than the coldness still lingering, she would’ve believed he was jealous.

His scent and heat wrapped her in an embrace even as she tried to resist the spell he held over her.

She thought about what Rachel had told her about Paradise Found. She’d mentioned that Logan’s friends were into ménage. Did that include Sawyer? While she had remained faithful, had he been indulging in wild sex parties and threesomes?

Sawyer braced a hand over her head, looming over her as he boxed her in. “For the next seven nights, you belong to me. You don’t fuck anyone else. You don’t even think about fucking someone else. Your nights are mine. Your body is mine. Do it and I’ll grant you a divorce and forgive your debt. You won’t ever have to worry about me again.”

Seven nights. It should be so easy to get him out of her system. But despite what he thought, she’d worry about him for the rest of her life. For the next week, the pleasure he’d bestow would be a living hell for her. It was punishment for her sins. It was no less than what she deserved.

She gave a sigh of resignation. “It’s a deal.”


"A rollercoaster ride of jaw-dropping sex, heated anticipation, and a perfect dash of suspense, all tied together with flawless writing. When I wasn't clenching my thighs, I was frantically flipping pages to find out what would happen next! I can't recommend this series enough. Buy it. Devour it."

~ Alessandra Torre, New York Times Bestselling Author

“Shelly Bell is a fresh new voice in erotic romance. She brings the heat!”

~ Lexi Blake, New York Times Bestselling Author

"White Collared takes you on a thrill ride of danger, murder and lust, leaving you hungry for the next installment."

~ Stacey Kennedy, USA Today Bestselling Author


About the White Collared serial (Benediction #1) "If you love romantic suspense novels and like your stories with a little edge to them on the passion side, you will want to check out WHITE COLLARED PART ONE: MERCY. Think of it as a cross between a thriller like Gone Girl and one of the hugely popular BDSM billionaire stories like the Fifty Shades of Gray or the Crossfire Trilogies."

~ The Romance Reviews

“WHITE COLLARED, Shelly Bell’s pulsating four-part series of erotic suspense, is a boost to maintain this sub-genre that shot to popularity in the nineteen eighties with the success of, among others, BLUE VELVET and FATAL ATTRACTION.”

~ The Big Thrill (International Thriller Writers magazine)

About Red Handed (Benediction #2) "Now that is a good suspense thriller. I have fallen in love with this author and Benediction."

~The Jeep Diva

"It was awesome, hot, erotic, surprising, suspenseful, and I was totally obsessed until the end!"

~Crazy Four Books

"The author throws more plot twists on the unsuspecting reader and keeps building the stakes, along with extremely steamy scenes that are not to be forgotten."

~ Literaria

About Blue Blooded (Benediction #3) "This is a bona fide page-turner laced with political intrigue, thrilling action and steamy sex scenes. The main characters' chemistry sizzles as they search for the truth behind a gruesome murder and encounter a plot with deadly consequences."

~RT Book Reviews, 4 1/2 Stars Top Pick

"Shelly Bell gives us dirty politicians, intense sexual desires, suspense that will leave you on the edge of your seat, and romance that will leave you breathless."

~Harlequin Junkie, 5 Star Top Pick

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meet the author
Shelly Bell, color photo

A sucker for a happy ending, Shelly Bell writes sensual romance often with a bit of kink and action-filled erotic thrillers with high-emotional stakes for her alpha heroes and kick-ass heroines.

She began writing upon the insistence of her husband who dragged her to the store and bought her a laptop. When she’s not working her day job, taking care of her family, or writing, you’ll find her reading the latest smutty romance.

Shelly Bell writes the Benediction series for Avon Red Impulse and the forthcoming Forbidden Lovers series for Grand Central Forever.
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