Sunday, September 27, 2015
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Friday, September 25, 2015
Thursday, September 24, 2015
Release: Tempted by Claire Adams

My name is Blair, and I just moved to California for my new job as a lawyer. I would be competing with another guy for the full-time position. The only problem was when I went in for my first day I found out that my competition was none other than Aiden. He was my best friend in high school… But now he was different.
He wasn’t the skinny boy I once knew.
He wasn’t the kind sweet boy I once knew.
He was muscular and tattooed and had a mouth on him like no other… He was the biggest distraction to my determination of getting the full-time lawyer position. But I can only ignore so much, especially when all he wanted to do was screw me. It was tempting…
Wednesday, September 23, 2015
Release + Giveaway: Aurora James by Jessica Ingro
I did what I had to do to save her.
I sold my soul to survive.
I fell in love with the devil himself.
I'm Aurora James, and this is my story.
He is darkness and danger; I am his light.
He is cold and ruthless; I am his warmth.
He is a heartless pimp; I am his whore.
And this is our beginning
Buy Links
Amazon US ➜http://bit.ly/AuroraJamesAM
Amazon UK ➜ http://bit.ly/AuroraJamesAMUK
B&N ➜ http://bit.ly/AuroraJamesBN
Kobo ➜ http://bit.ly/AuroraJamesKobo
iTunes ➜ http://bit.ly/AuroraJamesiTunes
Buy Links
Amazon US ➜http://bit.ly/AuroraJamesAM
Amazon UK ➜ http://bit.ly/AuroraJamesAMUK
B&N ➜ http://bit.ly/AuroraJamesBN
Kobo ➜ http://bit.ly/AuroraJamesKobo
iTunes ➜ http://bit.ly/AuroraJamesiTunes
Copyright © 2015 Jessica Ingro
My mouth hung open as I took in the sight of the man standing in the doorway.
He was easily six foot three, with black hair and piercing blue eyes that seemed as if they saw right through me. His facial features were hard and masculine, like that of a gladiator—strong jaw, straight nose, high cheekbones. And good lord, he was built. His muscles were barely contained by the blue dress shirt that covered his upper body. And through his black suit pants, I could see large, muscular thighs.
“Please don’t tell me this is the situation,” he said to Ghost in an infuriated tone.
“Sure is.” Ghost’s grin stretched across his face and if I knew any better, I’d say he thought the whole situation was amusing, which only served to take me from self-pity to straight out pissed off. Nothing about a single mother struggling to make ends meet was funny in my opinion.
I narrowed my eyes and opened my mouth to curse when the man shut the door behind him, drawing my attention back towards him. He really was a fine specimen of eye candy. Muscles in my lower belly clenched at the unbidden thought of his large body over mine.
“Why the fuck did you bother me with this?” the man snapped, clearly pissed off and not finding the situation amusing either.
“She wants to dance out front,” Ghost explained.
“All the girls dance out front,” the man replied in agitation.
“She only wants to dance out front,” Ghost further explained.
A bark of disbelief came from the man’s lips, and he turned his full attention to me.
“What makes you think you’re better than the other girls here?”
“I… I don’t,” I stammered. His gaze was hard and his eyes were cold as they raked over my body with precision.
“Then bend over and show me what you’re working with or get the fuck out.”
The color drained from my face at his harsh words, even as those muscles tightened again in anticipation. This was insane. No way could I possibly be this turned on by a stranger who was a complete asshole.
And in the end isn’t that exactly what Kevin ended up being? A stranger and complete asshole? My inner voice taunted me.
“Who do you think you are coming in here and demanding me to bend over like I’m nothing more than a piece of meat?” I demanded. I was in full-on defensive mode. I hated being talked about like I wasn’t in the room, and I despised being treated like a piece of shit.
He closed the distance between us until he was so close his breath caressed the skin on my cheek. My heart galloped wildly in my chest at being this close to him. I had to fight the urge to lean forward, bury my nose in his neck and sniff his collar when his woodsy scent wafted around me.
“Don’t you ever question who the fuck I am. I’m motherfucking God as far as you’re concerned. No one steps into my den and shows me disrespect. No one. You got that?” His tone held a razor-sharp edge that I felt lash at my skin with each word.
“Yes,” I squeaked out, my head bobbing up and down in concurrence. If I’d thought Ghost was scary before, he had nothing on this man. He was on a whole other level from scary. The word scary would be closer to describing a tiny little bunny than it would be to describing him.
Coherent thoughts flew out of my head when I felt his hand on my hip. His touch was a hot brand against my skin, making my breath come in harsh pants. His proximity was breaking down all my defenses and making me feel like a bitch in heat.
The material of my thong tightened against my skin right before I heard the material rip. I looked down in disbelief at the torn lace dangling from his large hand.
Holy shit. He destroyed my underwear… with one hand.
About the Author
Jessica is the author of the Love Square series. She grew up in Central
New York, where she spends her days as a Security Analyst at an IT consulting
company. In her free time, she enjoys reading books and developing ideas for
her own stories. Writing is her secret passion that she's been fostering since
elementary school, when she wrote her first book about a puppy. It has always
been a dream of hers to be able to share her stories with the world.
Jessica currently lives in New York with her husband and three
Social Media Links
Facebook ➜ http://on.fb.me/1Ex6uOe
Website ➜ http://www.jessicaingro.com/
Goodreads ➜ http://bit.ly/1MjAD1p
Twitter ➜ http://bit.ly/1O3epXO
Monday, September 21, 2015
Blog Tour + Giveaway: League of Love Volume 3 by Donna Gallagher
League of Love Volume 3 (League of Love)
by Donna Gallagher

Emily's Cowboy
When love is not enough to heal the scars, both physical and mental, of the one you thought you would spend your life with…what else is there?
It's such a cliché—country boy moves to the big city to follow his dreams, leaving his girl and everything he loves behind—but that's exactly what Gareth Andrews has done. Playing rugby league is Gareth's dream, and he's signed with one of the best teams in the competition, the Sydney Jets.
Of course, that has meant a move to the big city and leaving Emily Mackenzie and everything he loves behind. Not that Gareth hasn't begged her to join him in the city—he has, on bended knee—but Emily needs to stay in Gunnedah and help her father on the family farm until her brother's stint in the armed forces is over. But Gareth knows it's more than that. Emily is hiding away, embarrassed by the scars that mar her body in a constant reminder of the bushfire that nearly took her life.
Can love give Emily the courage to face strangers again when her father is badly injured and Gareth shows up at the hospital to support her? Or will she let her fear and shame get the better of her, and break her one true love's heart for a second time?
Sarah's Soldier
It's what they have in common that drives a wedge between them—childhoods tormented by loss and heartbreak that have hardened their hearts.
When Sarah, digital and social media coordinator—or ‘digi-chick’, as she’s been called—is asked to babysit the special guest at the Jets Rugby League Club’s annual Anzac Day clash, she’s hesitant. What will the returning war hero, wounded from battle, think when he lays eyes on her dyed, flaming red hair and her face full of metal piercings? More than likely, the rule-following, uniform-wearing conformist will take one look at her and double-time it away from her feral-looking behind.
But the sexual attraction that sizzles between Sarah and Dylan is evident from their first touch, and despite both having built walls around their hearts, as protection from childhood loss and pain, they are keen to take advantage of the sheet-scorching, orgasm-exploding sexual tension that is simmering between them.
Of course, falling in love was never part of the plan.
Book Links
TB: https://www.totallybound.com/book/league-of-love-vol-3-printAmazon US: http://amzn.to/1O03o8s
Barnes & Noble: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/league-of-love-vol-3-donna-gallagher/1118091454?ean=9781781846810
Good Reads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/20566981-league-of-love-volume-3
Excerpt from Emily’s Cowboy
They were going to kill him. The collective look in the men’s eyes was one of pure animosity. Emily could see it clearly defined in their faces, could see the intent as they charged towards the man she loved—three huge men, covered in mud and perhaps even blood, judging by the russet-coloured liquid leaking from one of the men’s bandaged head—and there was nothing she could do about it. She couldn’t look away and sat frozen in the moment as she watched the horror unfold before her, silently praying that Gareth would survive the next few brutal seconds.
Then they were on him, two around his upper body, one knocking his legs out from beneath him as they picked him up and slammed him, back first, onto the hard ground. The four men wrestled together. He was caught beneath the onslaught from the three above him—she could see him struggling to get to his feet. It really only took a matter of seconds, but for Emily it was a lifetime. Her heart raced, her palms moistened and she could not get the air into her lungs to take her next breath, the fear he would be hurt was so overwhelming.
Just when Emily thought she could bear it no longer, the men stopped struggling. They broke away, stood and faced each other. Gareth reached down, put the ball under his foot and rolled it behind him. Emily drew a breath down deep into her oxygen-deprived lungs… The tackle was over.
Every game was the same for Emily. It didn’t matter that for all intents and purposes Gareth was no longer hers, by her own choice. It would always be like that for her—the same fear, the same panic that overwhelmed her as she watched him play his beloved rugby league. It had started way back in the days of their childhood when she and Gareth had been joined at the hip, back when she would accompany his family to those junior rugby league matches. Emily always had the same reaction—horror and fear as she watched every tackle in a hypnotic trance, a panicked state, her breath trapped in her lungs until the moment she saw him back on his feet, healthy and unharmed despite the brutality of the sport he loved. She had never loved the game the way he did. Her only reason for watching was for reassurance that he remained uninjured, and had survived his time on the field without harm. She didn’t care if the team won or lost. For Emily, it was just about Gareth.
Of course, her family—and even Gareth himself—had no idea her interest was so limited. They believed her a true fan of the sport. Why wouldn’t they? She had been with Gareth for every local game he’d ever played. Well, apart from that time she had been in the hospital, but she would have been there watching if she could have.
As Emily tuned out, uninterested in the commentator’s wrap up of the televised game, she absentmindedly rubbed at her scars, the puckering skin of her deformity, the unkind reminder of the day her world had changed. She was hardly aware of her unconscious movement—her focus was on her relief that the final siren had sounded, concluding yet another game her precious Gareth had remained unscathed.
“Chin up, Em. This is what you decided. No point second guessing or reminiscing. Gareth has moved on, his life is in the big city and you have chores to do.” She spoke the words in an attempt to quell the usual sadness she felt, as her only link to Gareth ended with the conclusion of the television broadcast. Emily turned the seldom used television off, waited till the black screen was all that was left to see and walked from the room. Her posture was hunched, her gait slow as she headed to the barn to feed the horses and clean the stalls. The routine, mundane tasks would fill her mind enough that the pain that lanced her heart would eventually fade.
“Game finished? How’d he go? Did they win?”
Her father’s deep voice breached her thoughts, bringing her back to the here and now, preventing any further painful memories from surfacing.
“Yep, they won. Gareth came through okay.” Emily didn’t want to discuss Gareth any more. It was better to push him from her mind for now, knowing full well that it would only be a week before once again she would sit white-knuckled in front of the television, riding every moment with him, feeling every knock he took as if it was her on the field. Why she could not just keep herself from this anguish week after week, she could not explain. It was just something she had to do.
She had sent him away, destroyed every plan they had ever made for their future—and they had planned and dreamt about what a perfect life they would have together, had talked of such things late into the night on many occasions. That was before she’d pushed him from her life, but she could not stop loving him, worrying for him. Emily knew this like she knew she would take another breath, and until that last breath she would love Gareth like no other.
Excerpt from Sarah’s Soldier
“So how goes the twittering?”
Sarah couldn’t hide the smile that formed as Brodie James again used the wrong terminology. No matter how many times she had tried to explain what she did as digital media coordinator to the Jets rugby league team, Brodie—the coach, and for all intents and purposes her boss—still had no idea what she was talking about.
“That would be ‘tweeting’, Brodie. It goes well. We’ve just reached twenty thousand followers on Twitter and our fan page membership is still rising steadily. You really need to open up your own Twitter account—that way you can see the impact social media is having on the game for yourself.”
Sarah had had the same conversation with Brodie before, more than once, so she was a little startled when his response was more positive than ever before.
“Yeah, I know. Cate keeps saying the same thing. She loves the whole tweet phenomenon, always has her nose stuck in her phone reading or clucking away at those tweeties.”
“Twitter and tweets, Brodie,” Sarah corrected again
“Yeah, but I don’t like her idea of names for me. Cate reckons ‘at dinosaur’ or something. That’s one of the reasons I called you in, Sarah. I was hoping you could give me a lesson on using this Twitter thing and maybe help me get a more flattering name. My modern wife needs to learn that her husband is no dinosaur.”
Sarah pushed away the laugh that threatened as she imagined Brodie’s beautiful wife teasing her sombre husband. Not that Sarah could imagine Caitlin James would be serious—it only took one look at the couple together to realise that they were deeply in love. Brodie’s affection for his wife was about the only emotion easy to read on the usually taciturn man’s face. Brodie was known for his calm, disciplined ways. He could be relied upon to keep a clear head and act accordingly—it was one of the reasons he had made such a successful transition from player to coach. The players respected him and treated his words almost like gospel, which explained the Jets’ winning streak over the past few seasons, in many people’s opinions.
Sarah decided that she would jump all over this request. While many of the younger players in the competition tweeted regularly, Sarah could only think of a couple of coaches who used Twitter. Having Brodie join the ranks would certainly boost the Jets’ followers.
“It would be my pleasure, Brodie. Glad to see you’re joining the modern age, no matter what Caitlin may think.” Winking, Sarah pulled her chair around to sit beside him at his desk. “Right—first things first, a name that’s more befitting of you.”
Sarah’s fingers flew across Brodie’s computer keyboard. @CoachBJames—yes, this is perfect, she thought as she created Brodie James’ Twitter account. Simple and straight to the point, just like Brodie James.
Sarah spent half an hour going over the basics with Brodie, suggesting a few people he might like to follow and reminding him that what he tweeted would be available to the public. She knew Brodie wasn’t an idiot, but Sarah wanted to make sure he understood everything that needed to be learnt about Twitter. By the end of the lesson, Brodie had followed his wife, @CaitlinJ10, and some of the players from the Jets. Sarah had used the Jets’ Twitter account to welcome Brodie to Twitter.
JetsRugbyLeague: ‘Hey, Jets fans! I have special news. I would like to welcome our illustrious leader to Twitter—@CoachBJames. Follow now, everyone.’
Sarah was pleased to see that within moments Brodie’s account had reached over one hundred followers. She laughed at Brodie’s shock over the immediate response and helped him create a few tweets about upcoming games and the latest developments at the club. She was pleasantly surprised to see that @CoachBJames was taking to Twitter like a duck to water.
“Think I’ve created a monster.” She giggled as she watched him send a private message to his wife that was just a little suggestive, and fell into a fit of full-scale laughter as he waggled his eyebrows at her, the adorable smile on his face an expression she wasn’t usually privy to.
“Enough of this, Sarah. There was another reason I called you in.” Brodie pushed his keyboard away, his voice becoming more businesslike, more Brodie-ish. “Have you been filled in on the Anzac weekend game against the Hawks?”
Sarah opened her iPad and brought up her calendar. She had the information Brodie was talking about stored away in her digital lifeline. The Jets and Hawks were dedicating their game to honour Anzacs past and present. The day was going to be filled with entertainment and ceremony befitting the event, with the culmination and highlight of the day being just before kick-off when, by Black Hawk helicopter, a soldier would deliver the game day trophy and ball to the opposing teams’ captains.
Sarah had already offered her assistance, in any way needed, to the Jets’ publicity team. She had pieced together a few videos of the players talking about what Anzac Day meant to them, and had also received a tape from a few serving soldiers, wearing their Jets supporters gear and wishing the Jets success on their upcoming match. So she was uncertain why Brodie had asked to see her specifically.
“Yep, I’ve been given all the relevant info. Why, is there something you need me to do?”
“Well, Sarah, as a matter of fact, there is. This is still somewhat confidential, although not for much longer, I’m guessing.” Brodie’s comment caused Sarah’s interest to spike. “As of this morning, Steve Clark has been sacked by the Jets’ board of directors. Steve has been leaking confidential information to the media. This has left us in quite a mess, considering the amount of work involved in pulling together the Anzac Day game. We were wondering if you could step up and take over his role for the short term, until we can find a replacement for Clark.”
Sarah’s breath hitched as the implications of Brodie’s words began to sink in. She was horrified to think that Steve Clark had been so disloyal to the Jets club, players and fans, but in all honesty found that she was not at all surprised. Sarah had always thought Steve Clark was a bit of a jerk. He had tried, on more than one occasion, to undermine her role, telling anyone within earshot what a waste of time it was to have a dedicated social media person at the Jets, and that he was capable of coordinating all media, publicity and promotions. His opinion that Twitter and Facebook were just a fleeting fancy had been proven more wrong every day by her success.
Could she do this, though? Sarah was not really a people person—well, not face to face. She was bold and courageous towards life from the keyboard of her computer, but in reality, out in the real world, Sarah was shy and reserved. Not that it showed in her appearance.
“What we need from you, Sarah, is to oversee the day, to keep an eye on the various corporate rooms, make sure the hosts are doing their jobs, co-ordinate the television and print reporters’ needs. You will also be responsible for looking after our guest of honour—make him feel welcome and show Soldier Boy around the ground. Introduce him to a few of the team members. Maybe take him up to the sponsor boxes and corporate dining rooms. Look, I know this is a big ask, but I’m confident that you can help us pull this day together. It’s a bit short notice, but what do you say, Sarah? Will you help us out with this?”
What is Brodie thinking?
Sarah had decided that the coach had lost his mind. Did he not see her? She was the exact opposite of what would make a soldier feel welcome. Yes—some condescending, staid and disciplined soldier would take one look at her watermelon-coloured hair, the metal piercings on her face and through her nose, and dismiss her immediately. But how could she let Brodie down? He had been so accommodating. Even if he didn’t understand much about what she actually did, Sarah owed it to him to at least try. It was one day, a few hours—surely she could pull it off.
Sarah could handle the media and reporters. She knew most of them through Twitter anyway. Trevor Hughes would probably be the television presenter and she had met him on many occasions, Trevor being married to the Jets’ captain’s mother, Laura. The hosts for the corporate rooms had been doing their jobs all season, so probably wouldn’t need much help.
“I will do the best I can, Brodie. I just hope I can live up to your expectations.”
“Great—thank you, Sarah. You are doing me a great favour and I won’t forget it. I owe you big time. Let me know if you need anything. Don’t hesitate...”
The relief on Brodie’s face was clear. Sarah knew the man had enough on his plate already. Expectations were high for him and his team of rugby league players to keep reproducing their winning form of late. She just hoped she wouldn’t let him down. It had been a long, long time since anyone had shown faith in Sarah, relied on her. Fear of failure created pterodactyl-like creatures that flapped and swooped in her gut. She excused herself from Brodie’s office and hurried back to her little cubicle in the main office area.
Already the talk amongst the office staff was full of Clark’s termination. News sure did travel fast, she thought as she sank into her swivel chair, logged into her email account and found the reason for the chatter. Brodie sure hadn’t wasted any time confirming her new duties, Sarah mused as she read the email he’d sent to all the Jets’ staff and team. It outlined what he expected of everyone in their support of her, and briefly touched on Clark’s employment termination as well.
“Think I need to make a running sheet of what I’ll need to do on the day,” Sarah mumbled to her computer screen. “It’s all in the preparation,” she added, quoting one of the coaching staff’s favourite lines. She busily opened half a dozen different screens, then began to familiarise herself with the outlined plans for the day.

Born and bred in the inner western suburbs of Sydney - Donna Gallagher decided at an early age that life needed be tackled head on. Leaving home at 15 she supported herself through her teen years.
In her twenties she married a professional sportsman, her love of sport -- especially rugby league -- probably overriding her good sense.
The seven-year marriage was an adventure. There were the emotional ups and downs of having a husband with a public profile in a sometimes glamorous but always high-pressure field.
There were always interesting characters to meet and observe and even the opportunity to live for a time in the UK.
Eventually Donna returned home a single woman, but she never lost her passion for watching sport, as well as the people in and around it.
Now happily re-married and with three sons Donna loves coffee mornings with her female friends, sorting through problems from the personal to the international. But she's on even footing with the keenest man when it comes to watching and talking rugby league.
Donna considers herself something of a black sheep in a family of high achievers. Her brother has a doctorate in mathematics and her sister is a well-known sports journalist.
An avid reader, especially of romance, Donna finally found she couldn't stop the characters residing in her imagination from spilling onto paper. Naturally rugby league is the backdrop to her spicy 'League of Love Series' available through UK publisher Totally Bound, tales of hunky heroes and spunky heroines overcoming adversity to eventually find true love.
In 2015 Donna is spreading her genre wings with the release of her new romantic suspense Haven Security series and a contemporary erotic novella A Fruitful Intimacy.
In 2015 Donna is spreading her genre wings with the release of her new romantic suspense Haven Security series and a contemporary erotic novella A Fruitful Intimacy.
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Presented by:
Cover Reveal: Love Renewed by Maria Macdonald
Book:Love Renewed
Series:Entwined Hearts #3
Author:Maria Macdonald
Genre:Contemporary Romance
Expected Release Date:6th November
Cover Designed by:Francessca’s Romance Reviews
Hosted By:Francessca’s Romance Reviews
Dane has only ever loved one woman in his whole life. Nova. When he lost her everything went dark, his mind, his soul, and his life. She was his light, his heart. A decade later fate plays a cruel joke bringing them back together, only to tear them apart again, when he realises she has no idea who he is. Now he has to battle, wage war, and bring grown men to their knees to get her back. The biggest fight he faces is turning away from the darkness and letting the light in.
All Libby Burchall remembers is a mediocre life, she’s just existed for over a decade. Scared of her history and confused about who she is, the safe path is the only one she’s travelled. When a face that she can’t remember breezes in from the past, calling her Nova and looking at her like she’s a ghost, it sets off a chain reaction of emotions that she can’t ever remember feeling before. Now she can’t stop seeing his eyes, hearing his voice, and being consumed by the dark, intense and insanely beautiful man that made her feel alive.
Two shattered halves of one soul. He wants her light to illuminate the never-ending darkness. She wants to run, but something keeps dragging her back.
Can they survive each other?
All Libby Burchall remembers is a mediocre life, she’s just existed for over a decade. Scared of her history and confused about who she is, the safe path is the only one she’s travelled. When a face that she can’t remember breezes in from the past, calling her Nova and looking at her like she’s a ghost, it sets off a chain reaction of emotions that she can’t ever remember feeling before. Now she can’t stop seeing his eyes, hearing his voice, and being consumed by the dark, intense and insanely beautiful man that made her feel alive.
Two shattered halves of one soul. He wants her light to illuminate the never-ending darkness. She wants to run, but something keeps dragging her back.
Can they survive each other?
About The Author
Maria is a full time working Mum, she has two beautiful daughters, both of whom love books as much as she.
She has loved to write since she was a little girl.
She started her blog - Surrender to Books - in April 2014, and is now one half of the team that run it. Blogging has inspired her to write and publish.
Maria, her husband and children now reside in Wiltshire, England.
You can Stalk Maria Here:
Other Books In the Series
Love Reflection
Entwined Hearts #1

Amazon UK
Amazon USA
Love Resisted
Entwined Hearts #2

Amazon UK
Amazon USA
Friday, September 18, 2015
Sale + Giveaway: Love Dies Hard by C.C. Cartwright
Title: Love Dies Hard Book 1
Series: Billionaire Romance #1
Author: C.C. Cartwright
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: May 17, 2015
My name is Marcus Hunter. I own Hunter Investments, a billion dollar hedge fund.
I admit it, I’m a total womanizer. A player, a serial-seducer, call me what you like.
I enjoy a variety of women and I don’t do love.
I work hard, and I play even harder.
I rarely dip into the office pool. That was until I became intrigued with Sophie Shawn. She is a high-flying money manager like myself and we’ve had to work closely together.
Sophie’s my equal, she’s smart, sharp-witted and of course she has to be sexy-as-hell.
The way she shakes her little ass in her tight, short skirts has me wanting to bury myself deep inside her.
We’re enjoying a drink together after work.
She doesn’t know it yet, but I’m going to bed her tonight. I want to hear her beneath me begging for more. When I’m done with her she won’t be able to utter a single coherent word.
Little did I know, I was the one in for a surprise from Miss Sophie Shawn.
Purchase Links
Also Available
Chapter 1
Marcus We’re sitting at the bar in the restaurant downstairs from the offices of Hunter Investments. Sophie and I have put in long hours this week and we need to unwind. I can think of the perfect way to unwind and she’s sitting right next to me looking oh-so-damn sexy. Her dress slits open in the front and I think I catch a glimpse of, what is that, a garter and stockings? I’m in trouble; she catches me looking.
“Like what you see, Marcus?” she says, as the words roll off those luscious red lips of hers.
“I do. I do indeed,” I say, as my eyes cast down to her breasts straining against the fabric of her low cut dress. She lets out a soft laugh as she takes a sip of her wine.
“Have dinner with me,” I tell her.
“Alright,” she accepts my invitation.
“What are you in the mood for?” I ask.
“You,” she replies, and I’m not sure I heard her right.
“Excuse me?” I ask.
“You heard me,” she says, staring at me seductively. Damn, I have to loosen my tie.
“Let’s eat first,” I say with a wicked smile.
“Suit yourself. You choose the place,” Sophie says.
“Let’s eat here,” I suggest.
“Sounds good,” she says, leaning into me as she slides off her bar stool and spreads her legs to make sure I can see up her skirt, as her silky dress pulls tightly across her breasts. Maybe we should skip dinner.
“Is it hot in here?” I tease, as we walk into the restaurant. We order right away, not wanting to waste a minute before I can rip the clothes off that tight little body of hers. “Your place or mine?” I ask, leaning back in my chair and crossing my legs while we wait for our dinner to arrive.
“Where do you live again? I know you’ve told me before but I can’t remember,” she says.
“Manhattan Beach, you’ll have to come over some time,” I answer.
“My place then, it’s closer,” she says sultrily, and adds a wink for good measure. She leans forward and lets her long, silky black hair drape sexily across her gorgeous face. Sophie shared her heritage with me one day a few months ago over lunch. Her Mom is Chinese and her Dad is Scottish. She has exotic Eurasian features; I’ve never been with a Eurasian girl, but I’ve heard great things about them. How am I going to manage walking out of here with a raging hard on? After we finish having dinner, I settle the bill. Sophie stands and we head down to the parking garage. I follow her home a short distance to her apartment. She lives alone in one of those high-rise luxury apartment buildings that are just a stone’s throw from our offices in Century City.
“You live so close to work, you could almost walk,” I say, once I park in front of her building and walk into her grand and spacious lobby.
“Yes, it’s so convenient. I don’t have much of a commute,” she says as we get on the elevator.
Once we close the door to her luxurious apartment and she puts her things down, she starts walking into her bedroom while she’s unbuttoning the front of her dress and sliding off its belt. My feet are rooted in place as she leaves me standing in the entryway of her lavishly decorated Century City apartment and I’m not sure what to make of this.
“Get in here,” she calls out to me from her bedroom. Just like that, no foreplay? Damn, she’s throwing me off my game big time; she almost makes me nervous. I walk slowly towards her room and she’s sprawled out sexily on her king size bed in the most alluring black lace lingerie. My heart stops. All she is wearing now is a black lace bra that she fills out nicely, then my eyes travel down to her shapely waistline where I see her black lace garter belt that looks amazing on her curves. Next, I see her black lace panties and sheer black stockings covering her lean legs, down to the tips of her toes. She’s posed like a pin-up, and she looks so sexy I immediately rise to the occasion.
“Strip,” she commands as she rolls over to turn on her iPod player. I do as I’m told; this girl is stealing all of my lines. Unbelievable. I strip down to my tight black briefs and climb on top of her, then my lips crash down onto those ruby red lips of hers that I can’t wait to have wrapped around me.
Author Bio
Listening to my favorite music while writing inspires me to create my characters and makes their love stories come alive. I believe in writing about heroines who are strong, smart, sassy, sexy and have a sense of humor.
I cherish my family and am a hopeless romantic. I believe in finding your happily-ever-after and that each day is for living, loving and laughing.
Author Links
Release: Timeless Passion by K.B. Winters
Grant Christiansen is bored. His life is a series of habits and routines as he does his duties to carry on the family business. Outside of the office, he has deep, secret desires that he meticulously guards. When things at the office explode into chaos and a scandal is uncovered, Grant goes to the annual marketing symposium at the local college to find some new talent. The woman he meets there nearly brings him to his knees. She’s intelligent, talented, and doesn’t sugar coat anything—even once he reveals his true identity to her.
Megan Sinclair is a dark horse, determined to do whatever it takes to keep her family together while still chasing her own dreams of getting through college and launching her career in art. When Grant plants himself in her path, she can’t get him—or his words, out of her head. She knows there’s something about him that she won’t be able to escape. But at what cost?
Will Grant pull Megan into his world of dark secrets, or will she vanish out of his life before he gets the chance to show her his true self?
KB Winters is the author of the brand new Billionaire Romance Series, Plush. She has an addiction to caffeine and hard-bodied alpha males. The men in her books are very sexy, protective and sometimes bossy, her ladies are...well...bossier!
Living in sunny Southern California, this hopeless romantic writes every chance she gets!
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