However, I do intend to read some. For fun! And I found some challenges to help motivate me.
I have freebies that I have one - clicked and never read. And here is the perfect challenge to help me along with it. Unfortunately, all of my ARCs that I have do not count towards this goal. But, I still have plenty of freebies that I one - clicked that will count towards this challenge. My primary goal is to make it to the Coupon Clipper level (12 freebies). But, if I can make it higher, it would be awesome!
Most of the books are "New To Me" in some way. A new author, a new series. I'm aiming for Level 2 for this challenge.
There are several books I want to re-read. Especially when I have read a book or more of a series and a new one comes out. I love re-reading the first ones to reacquaint myself with the characters/storylines, etc. My goal for this challenge is 12 re-reads in 2015.
My TBR List is out of control. I mean completely out of control. Between freebies I've one-clicked, ARCs I've received, and the books I have bought on sale, my TBR list is at 500+ easily. There is no way that I can read all these books in a year. I may be lucky to get through just these in 5 years. I figure that 12 in 2015 for this challenge may be realistic considering the obligations I have to school.
Good luck with your reading challenges! Thanks for participating in the Read Your Freebies and Contemporary Romance reading challenges :)