Friday, July 25, 2014



It is with a heavy heart that due to personal reasons, I have to put Book Worms and Couch Potatoes on an indefinite hiatus. This was not an easy decision for me. I was going to do this last night but decided to wait until today to see if I felt any differently when I woke back up.

I know that I have signed up for numerous cover reveals, releases, blitzes, and tours. When I signed up for these, I did not have any clue that these problems would arise. Unfortunately, real life is unpredictable and throws us curve balls.

During this hiatus, I will be reading any and all ARCs that have been provided to me up to this point. Reviews will be posted on Amazon, Goodreads, and the blog (posted from Goodreads directly to the blog).

If you try to email me an ARC from this point on, you will receive an “Away” message. If you still want me to read/review while on hiatus (there will be no promo post, etc done), my Away message list an alternative email address. You may send to that email and I will be happy to read/review as promised.

I hope you can all understand that my real life problems take precedent over my Book blog.

Crysti Jane
Book Worms and Couch Potatoes

Book Release: Her Dom by A.D. Justice

Title: Her Dom
Author: A.D. Justice
 My name is Dominic Powers. My software engineering company, DPS, is one of the top 500 companies in the world. Conducting a search for my Personal Assistant brought an unexpected candidate straight to me.

I knew she was different as soon as she walked into my high-rise office. She exuded innocence and inexperience. Those are two things in a woman that normally don’t attract me, but I am apparently making an exception for her. She’s young and delicate – and I’m afraid she won’t make it in my world.

But the carnal man I’ve kept hidden deep inside me says I have to try.

She is my Sophia Vasco.

I am Her Dom.

Release Date: July 25, 2014

Purchase Links

Amazon | B&N | Smashwords | Kobo | iBooks


About the Author

I am happily married to a wonderful man and we celebrate our 24th wedding anniversary this year.

We have two sons in college and we are so proud of them both!

I work full time as a manager but write as a means to escape into another world. I have loved books for as long as I can remember. That was a trait passed on to me by my Daddy. I remember spending many hours in book stores growing up.

I hope you enjoy the stories and will go on these journeys with me!

Thanks for reading!

Contact A.D. Justice

Blog Tour + {Giveaway}: Ruthless People by J.J. McAvoy

Tour Banner Ruthless People
Publication Date: July 17, 2014

Tour: Ruthless People by J.J. McAvoy
Add to Goodreads.


Ruthless People is a romantic crime fiction set in modern day Chicago, following the life and marriage of Melody Giovanni and Liam Callahan—rivals by blood and leaders through fear. Their marriage was arranged by their fathers in hopes to end years of bloodshed between the Irish and the Italians. Liam believes he’s getting a simple-minded wife, one he can control, one who bends to his every need . . . the complete opposite of Melody. She knows exactly what type of man he is, and she would rather die than give up the power she has spent her life building. To the outside world they look like American Royalty, but behind closed doors is a constant battle for dominance. The Mafia of the past has evolved, and with rival bosses gunning for them, Melody and Liam will have to learn to work as one to take down all those who stand in their way.

About J.J. McAvoy

J. J. McAvoy first started working on Ruthless People during a Morality and Ethics lecture her freshman year of college. X number of years later, she is an insomniac who has changed her major three times, and is a master in the art of procrastination. If you ask her why she began writing, she will simply tell you “They wanted to get their story out.”
She is currently working on her next novel . . . so please bug her on Twitter @JJMcAvoy

 IndieSage PR

Blog Tour + {Giveaway}: Why Yellow Jackets Can't Find the Hole by Emily Walker

Title: Why Yellow Jackets Can’t Find the Hole
Author: Emily Walker
Release Date: June 2, 2014
Find on Goodreads


The Yellow Jackets are a group of young men in their early twenties who have taken a vow of sexual purity. But making a vow and keeping a vow is two different things. Each of them struggle in one way or the other to remain sexually unscathed. Bryant, one of the Jackets, has moved off campus from the all-boys school and finds himself neighbors to a very tantalizing beauty. Only this girl is much more than she seems, and unbeknownst to Bryant, she makes it her mission in life to take his virginity. Bryant and his roommates, in the meantime, are slowly discovering that all of their fellow Yellow Jackets have secrets. Not to mention that there’s a spy in their midst—one who is doing everything he possibly can to expose the fact that the Yellow Jackets are not as ‘pure’ as they all seem.


I adore writing about everything. Creating worlds and the complicated, tortured, sometimes insane characters within them makes me happy. I write horror, paranormal, dystopian, and the occasional rom-com.
Living in the mountains with my red-bearded love and our cat and dog. I work at my alma-mater, am in grad school, and have a second job as a freelance writer. I am attempting to learn to crochet, I run a lot, and my Kindle is with me always.


Blog Tour: The Runaway Viper by Kirsty - Anne Still

Title: The Runaway Viper
Series: The Viper Series #2
Author: Kirsty-Anne Still
Release Date: July 6, 2014
Find on

Having already broken rule number of Clara Delvine’s rules by falling in love with one of her clients, Joely Gilbert knows she is past the point of no return. After defying all of the orders Delvine lives by, Joely believes becoming the first runaway Viper Girl is all too good to be true.
However, remaining uncaught for months, Jace Mason gives Joely the life she’s been searching for – the man she wants, the house she dreamt of, the love she cherishes.

But how long can you outrun the devil when she’s after blood?

After all, Delvine never loses a girl, and she’ll do anything to make sure she has Joely back to finish her contractual obligations.
What happens when Joely’s left with the biggest decision of her life, the decision that was always hers to make – kill her heart or kill the man she loves.
Clara will make sure Joely never strays from The Viper Rooms – ever again.
But can The Boss tame a runaway viper?


“What’s got you looking distant?” Jace comes out from the bathroom, covered only by a towel.
I look up and smile guiltily. “When did I become such a snob?” I ask him, keeping my tone light. I’m arguing with my inner self, appalled at my own mental path. “The bedding to this place is going to have us itching all night.” I train my eyes upon him and sigh. “When did that become one of my biggest problems?”
Jace laughs at my problem and my faces pulls into a frown.
“If cheap sheets are your biggest problem right now, Lee, I am going to sleep a happy, happy man tonight.” He watches me, seeing my shoulders slump slightly under his teasing tone. “Maybe you could inspect the quality of towels too,” he queries, waltzing over to me. He pulls the front off from his body, holding out to me. “They’re rather stiff.”
I bite my lip and allow my eyes to trail down his partially glistening body and find the towel parted a delicious amount. I can already see he is hard and I release my lip. My mouth dries as I reach out for the flannel material and I feel lust filter through my system, stealing my woes and casting them aside.
I smirk at the sight, grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Definitely stiff.” I nod and agree and release the towel. Jace does too and the white flannel sheet drops entirely, leaving my husband bare and turned on before me. “Really stiff,” I exhale, my breathing drawing thin. His penis is directly within my eye level and I can’t help but lick my lips.
Jace doesn’t even utter a word as he reaches out for me. He takes my hand, mock disgust smother his face as he gazes upon what little I have on. “You’re a little too overdressed for my liking,” he speaks with minor revulsion as he pulls me up to my feet.

Saturdays at The Viper Rooms – Released March 12, 2014
“You and I know I can’t say no.” I swallow my fear and allow my eyes to fall down to his chest, I can’t look at him. “And I can’t lose you.”
Joely Gilbert, one of two head Viper Girls for the club, strives to maintain a double life both full of deceit, betrayal, sex, lust, and fear. She knows the rules of the club and the way the boss works like no other, but she is the one breaking everything she knows in order to keep the new life she has. After running from her past, she’ll do anything to stay away from it. It’s what makes her perfect for the job. It’s what makes her normal.
Everyone has a story when they arrive at the doors of The Viper Rooms.

It’s this that binds clients and Viper Girls together. Each want to forget, each want something to remember, to feel, to lust over. The Viper Rooms gives the exclusive a time in their life to get the things they need from a club devoted solely to them. No strings attached, no questions asked. But what lies beneath the surface can’t always be stopped. It can’t be silenced forever.

And Joely’s one of the girls who knows that more than anyone else.
What happens when her facade starts to break? What would Joely rather give up; the man who wants to save her, but could die trying, or the life that could ultimately kill her?
The Viper’s Bite – Coming Fall 2014
The third and final book in The Viper Series.
When a red-eyed, disheveled Joely arrives back on the doorstep of The Viper Rooms, what is The Boss to do?

Turn away a girl she once had high hopes for or give her another chance?

Having felt robbed of seeing Joely reach her full potential, Clara decides to test her once head Viper Girl, but when Joely gives Clara a chance to have what she’s wanted, The Boss is left with a tough decision.
“Clara,” I murmur, trying to find conviction in my own voice. “I want to be like you. I want to never feel love again.”

Will Clara Delvine give up the chance to have her own protégée?

And is the seduction of opportunity too much to be passed up or has she met her match?
After all, can The Boss trust her Runaway Viper?
I used to be just another Fanfiction writer! That was until one person showed real interest in my work. And then another, and then another, until I had this whole group of people reviewing like crazy and wanting original work from me. I’d spent years writing for free online, I didn’t believe I had it in me to publish something!
But I’m glad I did!! I never imagined pushing my work and striving to reach my ultimate. I never imagined I’d be the girl who started The Viper Rooms! But who am I to deny the inspiration when it hits?

I love writing, it’s a lifeline. I love creating a world that others fall into. I love having the control to make a whole new world. It’s like a dependency, an addictive one. It’s one of the things I’m extremely proud of.

As much as I complain, I love the mini dialogues that go on in my head, the plotlines that attack me when I least expect them to. The ones that jump to life at the most inappropriate times and drive me totally crazy!!

For now I split my life between writing, dreaming, working, and volunteering with children.

Blog Tour + {Giveaway}: Scared to Death by CS Latu

Title: Scared To Death
Author: CS Latu
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Release Date: June 9. 2014

You don't always get a choice in life. You can't control who dies. You can't control who you love and you can't stop change. But you can make a mess of it.

For Ruby Green, life is about loss. Everyone she has ever loved has died, save one. Her best friend from childhood. He has always been her saving grace. When things change between them, Ruby finds herself lost in a maelstrom of emotions. She's not ready to lose him in order to have him.

Noah Carrington believes in living. Even if the road is dark, the fear makes you feel alive. Life is too short and regret is a wound that festers. He always saw his best friend, Ruby, in his future, she would be just around the corner in the next room until he started seeing her in his arms.

They both know that being scared to death means you have something to lose. The question is, will they learn that it means you have something to gain too?

Buy The Book

About The Author
I was born on a cold day in January. They said I was the only baby in the hospital. They also said that I picked my head up twice to turn away from people who came to see me after I was born (Who wants strangers looking at you after such a life altering event while you are naked?). Not much has changed. That cold day was 30 years ago in South Carolina. Needless to say, I got the twang! At the ripe age of 22, I married my man bear pig hubby who happens to be from Chicago. I learned that there are people who do not have accents, who sound like they have accents because they don't have accents. Mind blowing there. Our love story is pretty nifty. I met him online when I was 15 and chatted with him for four years, on and off as friends, until we met and I showed him some southern charm and BAM! Here we are ten years later with eight years of marriage and several fur persons rounding out the family thus far! My writing started as a child when I tried to write about three pewter statues of wizards coming to life. Books and words have always been a passion for me. My mind is incredibly random, if you talk to me for more than ten minutes, it becomes painfully obvious. I draw inspiration from absolutely anything and everything I come in contact with, with particular emphasis on music, pictures and the crazy situations in life. It is my hope one day to have a small hot air balloon tied to my chimney so I can write by starlight. I am pretty sure I would find that most inspiring.


love p

Thursday, July 24, 2014



It is with a heavy heart that due to personal reasons, I have to put Book Worms and Couch Potatoes on an indefinite hiatus. This was not an easy decision for me. I was going to do this last night but decided to wait until today to see if I felt any differently when I woke back up.

I know that I have signed up for numerous cover reveals, releases, blitzes, and tours. When I signed up for these, I did not have any clue that these problems would arise. Unfortunately, real life is unpredictable and throws us curve balls.

During this hiatus, I will be reading any and all ARCs that have been provided to me up to this point. Reviews will be posted on Amazon, Goodreads, and the blog (posted from Goodreads directly to the blog).

If you try to email me an ARC from this point on, you will receive an “Away” message. If you still want me to read/review while on hiatus (there will be no promo post, etc done), my Away message list an alternative email address. You may send to that email and I will be happy to read/review as promised.

I hope you can all understand that my real life problems take precedent over my Book blog.

Crysti Jane
Book Worms and Couch Potatoes