My rating: 1 of 5 stars
Even as I type this review up prior to posting it, I am struggling with how many stars to give it. Like, I have a hard time giving something a low rating because I know that these stories are the babies of the authors. But, sometimes, one just doesn’t deserve a high rating. This is one of those times. I wanted to like this book based on the blurb but I couldn’t. At all.
I had never read any of the previous books in the series. It was noted that this was a standalone so it was the only reason I took a chance on it without reading the others first. I was lost. It made references to other couples and things that happened in their book but didn’t explain it and you were left wondering what happened during that event.
I did not connect with Poe or Alaric as a couple. I felt like Alaric was immature for his age and needed someone else as a love interest. Poe was also immature but what else would you expect from someone who had no strong role model except the housekeeper? She acted like a spoiled brat rather than a bada$$ like I was led to believe. She was going to ruin his life? This little brat was thinking way out of her league.
I got whiplash from the “I hate him. I want him. I love him.”
“I’m going to ruin my guardian’s life!” then immediately it’s “I want to rip the tweed jacket right off him and see what’s underneath!” Girl, get some life experience.
The whole situation with the “love of her life” turned ex-boyfriend was baffling. You had to keep a flow chart to keep all his lies straight. No wonder he had three different stories he told Poe – he couldn’t keep them straight in his head either.
And exactly why did Poe’s mom leave her to Alaric’s family? Did I miss it? Obviously, Alaric and Charlie (Poe’s mom) weren’t friends so why his family again? I am so confused…
I almost quit around 60-70% but realized I had so much time already tied into this that I owed it to myself to see it through. I didn’t want the time I had already spent on it to be in vain. Usually when I read a standalone in a series, I want to go back to read the others in the series. Not this one. While some of the past characters seem like their stories could be interesting, I fear that the stories in my head would be better than the actual books.
I’m sorry, but this book just wasn’t it for me.
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